Greetings from my house turned Macon Magazine HQ (in the middle of deadline), unplanned/unprepared home school (for 2, alongside 2 parents who are equally as unprepared), and now, dance floor to 40.
It’s my 36th birthday, and I try to never let a moment pass to celebrate a milestone. Quarantines included. In short: When in social distancing mode, dance anyway.
In keeping with a major Macon Magazine and Web theme, I thought: How do we continue to build community? Choose to honor it with togetherness.
But mostly this. Make time to celebrate another Sunday with the ones you love.
Covering six states, my people showed up today. And I’d say from those dance moves and faces I witnessed, we found joy today.
Enjoy my epic playlist to encourage your spinning spirit and moving mantra, come what may.
Onward, people.
The Web Co-founder + Macon Magazine Publisher